Sandy Valley Ranch Escaramuza


We are very excited about our escaramuza team! What is an escaramuza team? You ask. It is a group of eight women wearing beautiful Adelita dresses so full that they cover the backs of their horses. They perform intricate drills on horseback. And they do this riding sidesaddle.

The escaramuzas are the tenth event of a Charreada or Mexican Rodeo. The tradition goes back hundreds of years to the Mexican war of independence against Spain. The Mexican army was sadly out numbered, out horsed, and out gunned. So the women were enlisted to ride out and create dust to fool the Spanish army into thinking the Mexicans were coming from that direction when in reality they were attacking from behind. Women to the rescue hundreds of years ago, and the tradition is lovingly preserved.

Our team is one of 197 teams in the US and one of only 8 of those teams to be invited to the world finals of Mexican rodeo in Hidalgo Mexico. What an amazing accomplishment!!! They are only a three-year-old team and were competing against teams that have been in existence for decades. Plus they had to use borrowed horses because it wasn’t feasible to import their own horses.

Watch this link and you’ll know why we are so proud!!! WE LOVE YOU CORONELAS DE SANDY VALLEY RANCH!!!!!

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